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CINEMAY – Season II, Episode V: Removing by Noé Soulier

Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30 pm

In the fifth episode of CINEMAY’s second season, May Zarhy will present Removing (2015) by the choreographer Noé Soulier. Born in Paris in 1987, Noé Soulier studied at the National Ballet School of Canada and PARTS in Brussels. He received a master’s degree in philosophy at La Sorbonne University (Paris IV) and took part in Le Pavillon, Palais de Tokyo’s residency program. In 2010, he won the first prize of the competition Danse Élargie, organized by Le Théâtre de la Ville in Paris and Le Musée de la danse. Since 2014 Noé Soulier is associated artist at the CND Centre national de la danse, Paris and from 2016 to 2018 he was associated artist at CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie.

About Removing (2015) Removing is part of a series of choreographic pieces in which Soulier attempts at activating the physical memory of the spectators with movements that aim at objects or events that are absent. In Removing, he turns his attention to a movement vocabulary which – alongside elements from the martial art Brazilian JiuJitsu – comprises actions motivated by practical goal, such as hitting, avoiding or seizing. However these actions are interrupted by the performers before the intention is fully accomplished. The result is a fascinating composition, interwoven with contrapuntally organized solos and duets, which triggers and explores the possibilities of kinesthetic empathy.

About CINEMAY CINEMAY is a screening series curated by choreographer May Zarhy (*1984, Tel Aviv. Lives and works in Tel Aviv and Frankfurt). Once a month, Zarhy presents documentation of stage works that haven’t been performed in Israel, either because the pieces are no longer presented, cannot be toured, or were made by artists who refuse to come to Israel. The program presents full-length documentation of these selected dance and performance pieces followed by a video conference with their respective author. The first season of CINEMAY was presented at Kelim Choreographic Center in Bat Yam, Israel, in 2017, and featured works by Eszter Salamon, Taldans (Mustafa Kaplan and Filiz Sızanlı), Martin Schick, Panaibra Gabriel Canda, and Maria Campos Arroyo. The second season of CINEMAY is presented at the CCA Tel Aviv. Information about the artists and works presented during the program will be published once a month for each event.

*The talk will be held in English.

Entrance: 35 NIS Seating is limited, tickets required.

Photo: Chiara Valle Vallomini

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