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Sacred Harp Convention

Writer's picture: Majd QumseyaMajd Qumseya

The CCA in collaboration with Noam Inbar (Ha’Biluim), Ophir Ilzetzki is pleased to present ongoing, weekly singing workshops in the tradition of The Sacred Harp. A vibrant American tradition of inclusive and democratic communal singing currently experiencing a revival in music circles, The Sacred Harp is based on a repertoire of a-cappella four-part hymns and anthems. Though The Sacred Harp is not affiliated with any denomination it does stem from a deeply spiritual experience that functions as a religious observance for many. Sacred Harp “singings” are not performances in the usual sense of the word as there are no rehearsals or separate seats for an audience. Every “singing” is a unique and self-sufficient event with a different group of assembled participants. The singers sit in a hollow square formation with one voice part on each side, all facing inwards while singing together.

For the fist time in Israel, you are invited to join musicians, artists, and fellow non-professional singers in regular Sacred Harp singings! The open events take place once a week. No previous experience in singing or music reading is necessary (though it helps!).

Next meetings: Every Tuesday, 6pm

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