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Please join us for a walkthrough of our new exhibition “Maxime Rossi: Orchidaceous Extras” in which the Center is transformed into a participatory squash club, and attendees are offered a tailored introspective experience through virtual reality. Led by the artist and by Marie Gautier, guest-curator of the exhibition, this event is a unique opportunity to experience Rossi’s multifaceted project, which core element is a “perpetual play” that takes as its reference point the “imaginary orchid” that Vladimir Nabokov sketched in pencil in 1969 for the cover of his new latest novel, Ada.

The event will be held in English. Hospitality is provided by Outset Contemporary Art Fund.

Duration: 45 mins

Admission: included in the entrance fee (20₪)

The number of participants is limited, register here

Vladimir Nabokov in 1969

Photo: Giuseppe Pino

Walkthrough | Maxime Rossi: Orchidaceous Extras (English)

April 21, 2023



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