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Writer's pictureMajd Qumseya

Artist Talk with Carola Derting – Let‘s Twist Again: If You Can‘t Think It, Dance It.

Tuesday 3.1.2012 at 20:00.

Carola Dertnig was born in Innsbruck, lives and works in Vienna. Participated in the 1997 Whitney Museum Independent Study Program in New York. She is a  Professor for Performance Art at the University of Fine Arts in Vienna and has been teaching as a Guestprofessor at Cal ARTS in Los Angeles.Dertnig’s work  has appeared in several exhibitions  at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Artists Space, New York, Museum of Modern Art  New York and the Secession and the MUMOK in Vienna.

Let‘s twist again: If You Can‘t Think It, Dance it.

“This lecture is based in the field of performance in the field of fine art and it`s documentation. We will look at performance art in Vienna in relation to international positions from 1960 until today. The focus  of the lecture will be on a re-evaluation and re-telling of art history, and we will look at artists who, despite their importance, have been ignored in official historiographies and are largely unknown. We will also look at theoretical and artistic productions that have made a multitude of approaches to performance possible, and which barely appear in official writings of art history. The lack of documentation of some of this  work, which also leads to these knowledge gaps, will be discussed. We will also discuss new strategies for rewriting art history that includes, rather than ignores, gender related issues. The lecture will also explore relationships between live performance art and its documentation.We will look at specific performance work (including my own) and consider its function and role in relation to its documentation.”

Ms. Derting is the first Teddy Kollek Artist in Residence fellow. This new fellowship program is a joint initiative of The Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and Mishkenot Sha’ananim in Jerusalem in memory of Teddy Kollek, the former legendary Mayor of Jerusalem. The fellowship is a part of Mishkenot’s Artist in Residency Program “The Jerusalem Cultural Fellowship”.

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