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Writer's pictureMajd Qumseya

Curatorial Studies Registration Continues

The two- year curatorial studies program is a joint venture of the Kibutzim College of Education and the Center for Contemporary Art. The program, which is the most comprehensive in the field in Israel, is designed to train creative professionals with critical thought and a broad cultural vision. It is for BA graduates with a background in the fields of Art and Culture.

The program holds an educational Gallery in the CCA in Tel Aviv, which hosts exhibitions curated by the students. These exhibitions are the result of an intensive learning process, during which they are exposed to the major issues and trends of contemporary curating. Throughout their studies the students meet curators, artists, museum professionals and theoreticians, who are key figures in the local and international art world. Thus they are introduced to the art scene in its various forms, and begin to develop contacts that may lead to future co operations.

Among the program’s lecturers in the past were: Tammy Katz Friman, Dr. Ayelet Zohar, Dr.Haim Lusky, Tal Ben Tzvi, Dr. Hadara Shaflan, Dr. Tamar Berger and more. The students met with many other curators and professionals through lectures and special tours, among them Dr.Galia Bar-Or, Ruti Direktor, yona Fisher, Gailt Eilat, Tali Tamir, Ilana Tenenbaum, Dalia Levin, Drorit Gur Arie, Meira Yagid, Amitai Mendelson, Beno Kalev, Edna Mosenzon, Milana Gitzin Adiram, Ami Steinitz, Hadas Keidar, Yehushua Simon, Sala-Manca group and others. Among the guests who gave lectures and workshops: Aneta Szylak, the director of Wispa Art Institute in Poland, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, a media activist from India, part of Raqs media Collective and one of the curators of the Manifesta, Ivet Curlin, part of WHW curatorial collective from Croatia, curated the 11th Istanbul Biannual, Suzanne Pfeffer, curator of the KW in Berlin, Johanna Warsaw, Aleksandra Jach and Agnieszka Kilian, young independent curators from Poland, Eugenio Viola, curator in MADRE- the museum for contemporary art in Naples, and the artists Marina Abramovic, Aziz + Cucher, Sharon Lockhart, Edgar Arceneaux, Janek Simon, Delaine and Damian La- bas, and Ushi Huber.

Practical studies director- Sergio Edelstein

Academic director- Yael Eilat Van-Essen

Assistant Director- Maayan SheleffThe curatorial studies program of the Kibutzim College of Education and the CCAInformation available on our website: call Anna: 03-6905479

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