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Writer's pictureMajd Qumseya

External Territories: Panel with Galit Eilat, Laliv Melamed and Asaf Weitzen

Monday, August 10, 7pm The event will be held in Hebrew Join the CCA for a panel on the thin line between being inside and outside. Contrasting ideas of exclusion and representation – ranging from philosophical to cinematic to legal – will be presented to pick apart questions such as: How does representation, especially visual documentation, confront or evade the power structures set up by political, economic, and social regimes? What does media literacy mean in today’s globalized world for different populations? How is exterritory manifest within our very own bodies and personal memories?

Curator Galit Eilat will focus on representations of the inner body as expressions of exterritoriality, and how such military, medical, and pornographic representations of the self can be considered as external “territories.” Eilat will discuss how Exterritory’s exhibition relates to wider phenomena, including other art practices as well as theoretical notions.

Film theorist Laliv Melamed will present research on commemorative home movies as examples of the instrumentalization of testimonies, the sovereignty of personal image-making, and the spectacle of the home movie genre in Israel.

Human rights lawyer Asaf Weitzen will discuss juridical notions of “in-betweeness” (or lack thereof), using his work with asylum seekers in Israel as a springboard to think through exterritoriality.

Presentations will be followed by a discussion moderated by CCA Curator Chen Tamir.

About the Speakers: Laliv Melamed is a film and video historian, currently completing a PhD at the Department of Cinema Studies at New York University, where she also earned an MA. Melamed was the co-editor of a special issue on screen memory for the International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. Her work, centered mostly on documentary and non-fiction, also appeared in International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, New Cinemas, the anthology Silence, Screen and Spectacle, as well as various popular art and film publications. Since 2012 she has been a programmer at Docaviv: Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival. Melamed also serve as the academic advisor for Film Platform, an online documentary resource.

Galit Eilat is an independent curator, editor and writer. She was the founding director of the Israeli Center for Digital Art in Holon and the co-founder and chief editor of Maarav, an online arts and culture magazine. Among many exhibitions, she co-curated the Polish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale and the 52nd October Salon, at the Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade, Serbia. She served as a research curator at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven and as President of the Akademie der Künste der Welt 2012 -2013. Recently she co-curated the 31st Sao Paulo Biennial.

Asaf Weitzen is the head of the legal department of the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, an NGO protecting the rights of refugees, migrant workers, and victims of human trafficking. Weitzen has lead high profile cases preventing illegal deportations and releasing hundred of detainees held in Israel’s immigration detention centers. He is also a leading attorney in the coalition of human rights NGO’s constitutional case against the Israeli government’s Anti-Infiltration Law that has resulted in two historical high court rulings. Weitzen has previously worked with the Israel Religious Action Center and in commercial litigation. He has volunteered at the Aid Center for Victims of Sexual Assault and the Israel Mental Health Association. Weitzen earned an LL.B and B.A in Humanities and is writing his thesis at Tel Aviv University on Israel’s treatment of enemy corpses.

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