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Writer's pictureMajd Qumseya

Public Movement: The Interview

Thursday, February 7 at 7 pm and 9 pm Saturday, February 9 at 7 pm and 9 pm

The CCA is pleased to announce the return of The Interview, an action by Public Movement. In this work we go back to the very first time the military speaks with us, about us: “the personal conversation” in the first summons of the draft process.

The military performs itself in many ways, and in this case it is embodied in the figure of a young female soldier. The model of The Interview was developed in 1955 as the major tool through which the military studies the emotional landscape of each potential soldier. In the past sixty years, a growing military archive has been collecting the psychological profiles of every Israeli male citizen, a state-owned emotional deposition.

Public Movement recruited a new cell of women who served in the IDF as interviewers, and together they reactivate the The Interview as a performative model. In The Interview Public Movement stages this military model in a civil environment and thus invites the public to practice the artistic event as an arena of knowledge exchange.

Public Movement Director: Dana Yahalomi Action Guides: Nir Shauloff and Dana Yahalomi Public Movement Members: Adili Liberman, Meshi Olinky, Danielle Shoufra Interviewers: Eden Kramer, Tami Lebovits Head Consultant: Hila Vardi Public Movement Consultant: Tal Yahas Wall Design: Studio Gimel2 Production: Anton Avramov, Maayan Fuss Visual Consultant: Hadas Zemer Studio Manager: Lihi Levy Legal Counsel: Gornitzky & Co.

The Interview was made possible thanks to the support of The Center for Experimental Theater (Matan) – Rabinovich Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Sport – Culture Administration, Israeli Choreographers Association. The first version of this action was performed at Artport, as part of the exhibition “Motion to the Agenda,” curated by Vardit Gross and Avi Feldman. Public Movement was founded in December 2006 by Omer Krieger and Dana Yahalomi. The latter became the director in 2011.

Duration: 90 minutes

*The action will be performed in Hebrew

Photo credit: Kfir Bolotin

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