COME AS U R – a conversation with objects is an event orchestrated by Michal Helfman and animated by Yaara Moses, Gilad Ratman, Dr. Miri Rozmarin, Dr. Yorai Sella, and Nir Shauloff. Following the invitation of Raphael Zagury-Orly, Michal Helfman conceived an event in which objects, in this case artworks, are placed on a pedestal in the center of the space, surrounded by a circle of guests from various disciplines who are meeting with the objects without any prior knowledge.
The event will be held in Hebrew and it is part of the 4th Night of Philosophy, conceived by Raphael Zagury-Orly together with Tilla Rudel, Wolf Iro, and Yaël Baruch, and organized by Institut Français Israël, Goethe-Institut and the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Image by Michal Helfman
Performance | COME AS U R – a conversation with objects by Michal Helfman
May 30, 2018