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Initiated by artists and CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo Content Manager Muhammad Toukhy and Office Manager Guy Bernard Reichmann, “out-of-office” is a series of events presented in the Marc Schimmel Multipurpose Gallery. Focused on time-based practices such as video, dance, and performance, and in line with the multidisciplinary mission of the Center, “o-o-o” was conceived to nurture the scene during the dramatic time of the pandemic and its aftermath. Conceived as a special event in the program, “LETHAL MONEY” is a screening of videos by artists Or Ariely, Yasmin Caspin Guetta, Roy Efrat, Nimrod Alexander Gershoni, Tal Granot, Adam Kaplan, Haviv Kaptzon, and Gilad Ratman. Curated by Meital Aviram and titled after the 1990s eponymous Israeli soap opera, the screening was conceived as an imaginary additional season of the soap opera, which portrayed the intrigues of two families – one dealing with arms and the other with jewelry.

Duration: 120 min

Admission: 20₪

Register here

“Lethal Money,” 1996-1999. Set photo by Yoni S. Hamenachem. © Keshet Media Group and Hot Telecommunication Systems Ltd.

Screening | out-of-office: LETHAL MONEY

June 9, 2022



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