Upon the opening of the Holot Detention Center for asylum seekers in 2013, a number of artists organized themselves and started paying regular visits to the place with the aim of working with the detainees. The visits resulted in many works of art in various disciplines and with different level of the refugees’ involvement. What did these artists look for in Holot? What did they give? And what did they take? These questions will animate this roundtable organized on the occasion of our current exhibition “Elham Rokni: The Seven Abdulkarims”; moderated by the exhibition curator Sergio Edelsztein, it will feature contributions by artists Avi Mograbi, Chen Alon, Ron Amir, and Elham Rokni.
The event will be held in Hebrew.
Ron Amir
Aboud’s Bed, 2016
Inkjet print, 130 × 160 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv
Roundtable | Artists and Refugees in the Holot Detention Center
February 25, 2018